PHRASAL VERB 为…辩解;搪塞 If someone explains away a mistake or a bad situation they are responsible for, they try to indicate that it is unimportant or that it is not really their fault.
He evaded her questions about the war and tried to explain away the atrocities... 他回避了她有关战争的问题,极力为那些暴行辩解。
I had noticed blood on my husband's clothing but he explained it away. 我注意到丈夫的衣服上有血迹,但是被他搪塞过去了。
He evaded her questions about the war and tried to explain away the atrocities 他回避了她有关战争的问题,极力为那些暴行辩解。
I had noticed blood on my husband's clothing but he explained it away. 我注意到丈夫的衣服上有血迹,但是被他搪塞过去了。
Don't try to explain away the situation. If you have made mistakes, just admit them. 不要再分辩了,有错误就承认嘛!
She managed to explain away my doubts. 她的解释消除了我的怀疑。
The company, eager to explain away that rather large gap, now attributes it at least in part to the use of a substantially different set of comparable companies to determine our price range as compared to the comparable companies utilized in our valuation report. 在解释这两者间巨大差距的过程中,LinkedIn认为至少部分原因是因为确定发行价区域时,使用的可比同业组迥异于公司估值报告中采用的可比同业组。
The dip in orders is that rare piece of bad business news that companies may not be able to explain away by citing the struggling economy. 现在,许多问题都可以用经济低迷来解释,而套餐购买量减少却是少数几个例外之一。
Despite internal warning signs, leaders fixate on positive external results to explain away the growing array of negative data, or define problems as passing, temporary ones. 尽管企业内部已经出现了危机的征兆,但领导者仍热衷于外部喜讯,并借此为不断增长的负面数据开脱,或是把问题定义为偶然和暂时的。
When defects are triaged and reviewed, we often explain away the reasons for the defect. 当缺陷被修复和评审的时候,我们经常为缺陷自圆其说。
My mind went into such a spin-control mode, trying to explain away what he'd said. 我的脑子立即进入扭转控制阶段,试图为他的话进行解密。
Explain away late arrival by blaming it on traffic jam. 迟到的人喜欢把原因归结为交通阻塞。
For most traits, however, these don't seem sufficient to explain away the substantial heritability estimates that are found for traits such as height, reading ability and sensation-seeking. 然而,对于许多特性,这并不足够的去解释遗传性的实质,评估建立特性,例如身高、阅读能力和感觉探索。
You will find it difficult to explain away your use of such offensive language. 你使用这样无礼的语言是很难说得过去的。
To some degree, we may be able to literally explain away many devastating physical problems. 从某个程度来说,我们也许可以真正地将许多破坏性的身体问题通过解释给消除。
He tried to explain away his lateness, but we didn't accept his excuse. 他竭力为自己迟到辩解,但是,我们不相信他的托词。
She tried to explain away the missing money. 她试图为丢失的钱辩解。
His desperate efforts to explain away his remarks were unsuccessful. 他对自己的话拼命辩解也无济于事。
It filled me with special satisfaction as I had just been doing some detailed textual analysis of the letters that hedge funds have sent out to investors in the last few weeks to explain away their abominable performance in the third quarter. 这件事让我感到特高兴,因为我刚好在对对冲基金过去几周寄给投资者的信件原文做一些详细分析。这些信是为了解释清楚他们第三季度的业绩为何那么糟糕。
China can no longer explain away inflation as a short-term result of floods and epidemics of animal disease nor can it ignore the strains its macroeconomic policies are producing. 中国再也无法用洪水的短期影响和牲畜传染病来解释通胀,同时也不能再对宏观经济政策造成的紧张视若无睹。
Which the defense will try to explain away. 辩方会努力解释那些的。
He tried to explain away the stains on the carpet. 他试图对地毯上的污点进行辩解。
These two terms, it is not hard to explain away the reasons for high prices. 这两个词,这不是很难解释离开的原因,高价格。
But he does not just admit oneself is, always tries to explain away for oneself. 可是他偏偏却不承认自己是,总会为自己辩解。
Until now, attempts to explain away the lithium problem have involved secondary modifications of the amount around. 直到现在,极力解开锂之难题的尝试牵涉到了元素量的二次变异。
Method Explain away relationship between the spectra with structure characteristics of morphine Hydrochoride and caffeine. 方法用红外光谱法有针对性地选择特征峰,探明盐酸吗啡、咖啡因红外光谱与结构的关系。
That has not deterred economists from trying to explain away the 17th-century Dutch tulip mania as a rational reflection of an acute imbalance of supply and demand for rare bulbs: no matter that the price of garden variety tulips went through the roof, too. 这并没有阻碍经济学家对17世纪荷兰郁金香泡沫进行辩解,称其是稀有花卉供求急性失衡的合理反映,尽管普通郁金香的价格当时也出现飙升。
For a man to excuse himself in this way and stop listening is much better than trying to explain away her hurt. 男人这样先行道歉及停止倾听,比试图去分析她的伤害好得多。
I never made a mistake in my life; at least, never one that I can not explain away afterwards. 我一生未曾犯过错误,至少,没犯过在事后不能解释过去的错误。
Many of my clients find ways to explain away this feeling of being bored. 我的许多顾客会找法子来解释那不是无聊的感觉。
The man could not explain away the gun and the marked money from the bank robbery that the police found in his ear. 这个人未能解释清楚警察在他车上发现的枪以及从银行抢劫来的带有记号的钱。
1 don't know how you're going to explain away that dent you made in your dad's car. 我不知道你将如何解释清楚你在你爸爸车上弄的凹痕。